Tuesday, September 1, 2009

black joex

I can't believe this motherfucker just said some shit like that to me I should have squashed it last time this is so embarassing oh godddd I cant look him in the eyes or her or him how can they not see how humiliating this is I thought you were better or at least knew better my face is burning you do NOT know me like that get up get up let them know dont let this happen again again again but what if things get awkward what if makes it weird between everyone I dont want to feel even more alone dont want to be touchy black guy just want to be one of the guys clearly I am not one of the fucking guys and should not want to be get up god damn it I hate being alone I miss them so much if they were here they would tell you what to do she would tell you what you know you should do it is not worth it shit is only going to get harder get up now or dont ever say shit let them know let them know

they think I am still sitting here
because I don't care

they are wrong

but the opportune moment is
a car speeding off

my thoughts need to catch up
I need to catch up

I am going to catch up to it
claw onto the trunk
climb up to the roof
and rip that shit off

please don't say anything like that ever again

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