Saturday, August 15, 2009


I am sorry

for someone to look to me,

for all that is thrown up and out
to drift into dead air
maybe with an affirmative grunt poked in
every while

pretty much just so we both
know my phone connection isn't broken
I imagined myself much better at these things
when I was listening to Evanesence
I figured:

I could make people start laughing
I could make people stop crying

the personal career I laid out in front of my pre algebra self
was streams of milk and blue sky

just wanted to help

that was a long time ago.

I envisioned a cape of ego

I envisioned Fixer

those were stupid, stupid things.

based off a series of
televisioned facsimiles

baby baby baby you aint never lived a day in yr life


I have a friend my age who still holds those superman dreams

I wouldn't dare indulge that fantasy: break down
humans to projects



Damn It,

At This Point

I just wish I had more to say than "mm"

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