Friday, August 28, 2009

Get up.

I'm always trying to make eye contact
when your looks are running away

it's like how I try hardest
when a back is turning my way

I think if your eyes
hit me back
while I was trying to connect

it would set these lids on fire

or I feel that way. I don't actually think it,
because that's a stupid thing to think.
but it feels that way, it is a terrifying prospect.

I think I know why you would never let our eyes lock:
because it's asking too much of you

"I'm not that good of a liar. this is way out of contract"

I know, I know
there's a limit to how much you can portray;
that those fingers love mine
as much as mine do yours

but you know, you know
I like to pretend too

I'm sorry for teasing the curtain
I'll behave, I promise

now, say it again. say it for me.

forge me another smile

like a sweet food
for pleasing my mouth

before the light can hit it
having the heat
turn its hollow insides out

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