Saturday, October 23, 2010

Who is Kristin Chenowech? Kristin Chenowech on "The Rosie O'Donnell Show" on 5/31/01

"'Kristin' premieres on NBC- June 5th. And it's right after 'Frazier,' right?!" "I know! I'm so happy they gave us that slot!"

"Tuesdays, right after Frazier, so that's a -great- spot!" "Yeah!" "That'll be a -great- launching pad." "I'm very excited"

"How many episodes have you shot already?" "Thirteen!" "Thirteeeen!" "Yeah!" "Do you like living out in L.A.?"

"I do, the weather's -always- beautiful" *kristin looks out into the crowd for Applause, crowd Applauses, kristin claps back*

"Woo! It's great, I got a car! Which was kiiind of a big deal!" "Yeah." "Which is one of the reasons I hope the show goes [well]"

"so I can continue to pay for the car." "Right." *murmurings of laughter from the audience* "Did you get a swanky car? What'd ya get?"

*turns to the audience* "I got a really cool car, you guys."

Kristin is an American comedy television series starring Kristin Chenoweth. The series premiered June 5, 2001, on NBC.[1]

The show was canceled after six episodes.[2]


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