Friday, July 24, 2009

for your

I don't like looking people in the eyes
when I talk to them.

I mean, I can

I do in short bursts

but it does not come natural

you have to have something over me

either I am trying to flirt with you
or you have the ability to ruin me

often, these are the same coin

lines along the same drill


I am often loud
but I don't like confrontation

I think I am open, but
I do not touch people often
and I don't like people touching me
unless they are a love
when I get hurt, minor or major,
I ball it up
and maybe spit a little angst
here and there

to ears and spaces far away from the offense
(like this blog)


I know you know these
so just
press me
against the dirt

just because you can get away with it

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